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I wish to acknowledge and give thanks to all those who were instrumental in leading my granddaughter (Kaitlyn McMann) through the gifts of Salvation and the Baptism of Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues.


First, I will give a little history about Kaitlyn. Kaitlyn has special needs. She will be 15 years old going into grade 10 this September. She is attending a Special Needs school in Red Deer to help her with life skills. She can walk, talk, has great comprehension and can do many things but is extremely immature for her age.


For several years now I have played ‘Let’s talk to God’ game with Kaitlyn. She has always replied negatively. For example she would say that God was mad, angry or he is a bully, yet she acknowledged that Jesus was God’s son.

Before VBS started, Pastor Sarah gave permission for Kaitlyn to attend the three days of VBS even though it was geared for younger children, as long as I would be there in case Kaitlyn got unruly. I also asked Pastor Craig to pray for Kaitlyn. He prayed for the neural net signals of her brain to be healed and function properly.


On the first day of VBS, the VBS team members were teaching the children how to hear the voice of God and to record what He said or what they saw in their imagination, in a scrap book. Kaitlyn wrote the word ‘JOY’ and drew a small picture of herself under the word in the upper left hand corner of the page. JOY instead of words of negativism was a breakthrough.

That evening I had to go to the Ladies meeting. I took Kaitlyn with me after checking with Holly.  I usually go early to help set up tables and pray for Holly and the meeting. As Holly and I began to pray in our prayer language, Kaitlyn asked what we were saying. When I explained what we were doing, she asked if she could have the prayer language too. I asked Holly to minister the Baptism of Holy Spirit with the evidence of speaking in tongues for Kaitlyn. Holly carefully explained the gift of salvation and the meaning of the Baptism of Holy Spirit whereupon Kaitlyn received both and began speaking in tongues.


Later in the evening, Holly asked everyone at the meeting to write a letter to Jesus. This is what Kaitlyn wrote:

Dear God,

I love you, so much and you mean so much to me. I am so happy with you in my heart and you are so kind to me. And I love you so much. I will pray to you and you’re so fun to talk to. Your gift is me and my gift is to you is me. I like when you make things to be helpful and you’re so precious to me.

On the final day of VBS, Kaitlyn drew a picture in her scrap book. This time the page was completely full of drawings and colour. There was a range of mountains with the sun, clouds and birds above. Below was a river across the page with stones along both sides of the river. Below the river was a field of grass. Walking on the river was Jesus and Kaitlyn. More evidence that Jesus was now her friend.



Since VBS, Kaitlyn has been telling everyone that she is changed, that Jesus and the Holy Spirit live in her heart, and that she has a prayer language.

In closing, I am so proud of Kaitlyn, and extremely grateful to all who were instrumental in leading her to Truth.


May God richly bless you all according to your greatest need!


Marlene McLaggan

Marlene McLaggan's Testimony:

Premila Ram's Testimony:

Mama Dee's Testimony:

Good day everyone. My name is Premila also called Prem.

I was born in Fiji Island, went to elementary and high school there. In my class I used to be the top student because I believe that the hand of the Lord was upon me from the beginning.

After completing my high school, I started to work as a beauty consultant at the international Airport. Soon I was promoted to be beauty section head to look after the retail outlets for the Island.   We were serving people from all over the world because the fragrances and cosmetics is a major part of tourism industry in Fiji.

On my holidays I visited my sister in Calgary, Alberta. I came here several times on my vacations. On my third trip, I decided to marry a guy from Fiji who are residing here and settle in Calgary.  It was an arranged marriage. Before you know, I was pregnant with my son.  Sad to say that our marriage didn’t work out and we separated.

Now I was twenty-three years old with a child to take care of and I became very confused and worried.  I didn’t know where to turn. I started searching for God.

My sister gave me a New Testament that she received when she became a Canadian citizen.  I went to my apartment and started reading the New Testament. Through the grace of God, I fell in love with the personality of Jesus and seemed like we were long time relatives.

On one raining day, I came out of my apartment and walked with my baby in the stroller to look for this God that I was reading about.  I found a church on 4th Street called First Baptist Church.  I went inside the church and a pastor was there.  I told him a bit about what I was going through.  He prayed with me and gave me a Holy Bible to read. He also invited me to come to church on Sunday. I went to church with my baby on Sunday. I signed my prayer of salvation in a booklet.

I didn’t quite understand everything.

This went on for several years that I kept looking for God everywhere.  In Muslim religion, Hindu Temples are everywhere.  I even made several trips to Fiji because I was so confused and worried and in search of the truth, while I had the truth right with me.

 Finally, in Fiji I was sitting with my mom in our porch one evening, a lady that was a Christian and was my mothers friend was passing by our house in the village. She recognized for who I was and now things were not going right for me. And my mom and I were worried and confused in search of true God to heal me.

She suggested that her church pastor and the prayer team will come to our home tomorrow and pray for me.  My mom agreed. She shared a testimony about her daughter who was healed by Jesus from heart problem. She testified and said that Jesus can heal me as well.

The next evening the church came and prayed for me a home.  I could see the light and I could see things clearly. After that,  we went to the Assemblies of God Church in Fiji for two weeks.  My mom and I were baptised in the Pacific Ocean and returned to Canada after a few weeks.

I was saved in March 1993.  The first church I attended in Calgary was First Assembly and attending church, praying and walking with the Lord since then. My mom and my son attended First Assembly church with me for many years.

In 2010, I lost my mom due to diabetes.  She struggled with dialysis treatment or five years and passed away.  She left behind four children and seven grand children.  It was very hard after my mother’s death. I was filled with grief but Christ was always there to comfort me and the family members.

I am born again Christian and would like to share this testimony with all of you.  God is very gracious.  Even though we go through some difficult times in life, God is always there to help us get through.  His presence power and glory keeps me going.  His miraculous provision is for me every day of my life.  He is taking care of my son in his education and his work.

I thank God for everything he is for us. I would like to be a great witness for him to all the nations of the world.


Premila Ram


 I'm so thankful and overjoyed for the Freedom to Soar Women's Ministry here at my home church, Southside Victory Fellowship Church,  especially for our humble, anointed & exemplary leader Pst Holly Wiens.
  Yesterday (25-1-16) was another amazing time in the Presence of our Lord & King JESUS. During our Soaking time, as well as the main meeting where the praise & worship is so wonderful.
During the message on "breaking agreements with the words and curses that have come against you;  also breaking agreements with things we believed about ourselves or things / curses we said about others; from the sound of the lie"  when intense/powerful prayers were happening my head felt like a vice grip with tentacles that put extreme pressure that cause terrible pain on the top of as well as inside of & on right side of my head & tugging on my right eye,  Instantly I received deliverance & victory ! Glory to God !! Thank You Jesus.
There are times due to my work schedule I'm not able to get there at the start, yet though my arrival is tardy God is still on time with what He want to do for us.
Prayerfully with Joy
Dee "Mama Dee"

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